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Spinal Pain and Injury

A wide range of techniques are used to relieve spinal pain


Helen Picture

t: 01452 446254 | m: 07977 058458 | e:

Through working in the NHS, private healthcare and medico-legal sectors the physiotherapists at GW Physiotherapy have a broad range of experience in treating neck, lower back and thoracic spine pain and injury; including post-surgical conditions and the ante and post natal spine.


We use a wide range of techniques including mobilisations, muscle energy techniques, stretches, exercise, McKenzie regimens and Pilates (both one-to-one and group based) to relieve pain, restore movement, strengthen and stabilise the spine to optimise recovery.


The physiotherapy-led Pilates available at GW Physiotherapy can play an important role in the on-going care of the spine and prevention of injury.


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GW Physiotherapy | 11 Southern Avenue, Gloucester GL4 0AW

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